2015 Call For Papers: Policies and Politics of Care


Policies and Politics of Care
National Conference for Physician-Scholars in the Social Sciences and Humanities
April 18th-19th, 2015
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

This conference is a biennial meeting for those committed to having dual training in clinical care and the social sciences and humanities inform each other in their academic work. This has historically provided a venue for graduates, trainees, and prospective students of MD-PhD training programs to build a community and present their research. This year we aim to expand to encompass scholars with a broader diversity of clinical training, including in nursing and social work, whose work also speaks to the core of this conference's organizing principle.

At the 2015 conference we are excited to explore the theme Policies and Politics of Care. Care lies at the core of a clinical relationship, but far from being an apolitical site of human compassion or technical skill, it is highly structured by broader social dynamics, market forces, and a (trans)national policy landscape. Our hybrid identities as both practitioners and researchers of care allow us a particular orientation toward care and caregiving, permitting us to tease out its historical and structural legacies, its lived experiential realities, the boundaries of its classification, and the aggregate effects of its policies on healthcare delivery, healthcare markets and health outcomes.

The planning committee invites you to submit an abstract of original research for presentation relevant to this theme. While we especially solicit work that investigates the connections between forms of care that occur within the walls of the clinic and the world outside, submissions on all topics and from individuals at all career stages are encouraged and will be considered.

Presentations may take the form of a 15 minute talk, poster, or “grand rounds”-style case presentation utilizing insights from your scholarly discipline. We ask that you limit your abstract submission to 350 words and include primary research question, methodological orientation, points of engagement with existing scholarship, and general conclusions. You may submit your abstracts via the form at: www.physicianscholars.blogspot.com/p/call-for-papers.html, where you will also find more information about the conference.  

DEADLINE: February 15th, 2015

Send comments and questions to: physicianscholars@gmail.com

The 2015 Conference Planning Committee

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